Monday, 31 October 2011


"The Park is Babel. But in Trafalgar Square, at the foot of Nelson's column and under that patriotic bas-relief of the Death of Nelson-for the British god is a sea god-you hear the Voice of the people. (They have put amplifiers on the noses of the lions there, which gives these soapy figures a new professorial look.)"

"In any case London is traditionally free of hysteria, stoical and disciplined, but not beyond the resources of nature."

The Hardcore and the Gentle

Right project space last Friday was excellent. I can not say enough about how I felt that it was the most successful project space so far this year. The three people involved;- 

Simone Pereira Hind
Kate Grenyer
Brittonie Fletcher

The work transformed a normally drab and quite honestly boring space into something dramatic, considered and thought provoking. The windows had been roughly blacked out with cardboard box's (see image) lights off broken glass scattered over the floor and some low ambient noise playing. The project space was very much a holistic experience, just about every sense was catered for. For me the space took on the qualities of many abandoned buildings i've wandered through especially the industrial ones that have similar feelings to chapels/ churches and cathedrals with the similar proportions, large windows and the reverently quiet halls. 

Anyway well done to all three, greatly enjoyed the space. 

Thursday, 27 October 2011

simon munnery

Been staring at this for a while now in work and finally took a photo of it, quite like it. Think its by Simon Munnery dont know if he printed it or just put the words together. 

Monday, 24 October 2011


just had our first Triad crits this morning, was quite apprehensive about this as it was to yet another group of people i didnt previously know and thought it would be a case of having to start from the beginning again with regards to describing what it is i think i do.

crits comprised of three students and one tutor with three roles to be assigned between the students, these being ; -

Speaker, who talks about thier work for ten minutes.
Listener, who listens to the speaker and then replies to them for ten minutes.
Observer , who listens to both speaker and listener and sums up for five minutes.

The crits actually went well with some interesting talking points arising between the others in my group though mine was perhaps the least well thought through approach in terms of describing my work succinctly. Anyway it was interesting to get feedback and help in this way where you had to keep focused taking notes in order to form reply's to the speaker, the only frustrating part was not being able to speak out with your turn for example after the listener has replied to you or after the observer has summed up. Though frustrating at the time it does leave scope to go on and continue the discussions out with these triad crits and in this respect it is really good for creating dialogue between people who would not ordinarily converse in such a way.

really enjoyed it in the end though as i said might structure my spoken part for next time.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Bundle of knots

Trying to talk through joint Co2 project space while preparing for what i predict will be a disastrous presentation tomorrow does not help my mental state any. Up to my eyeballs in film criticism and the best way of describing what i had in mind for my work this year is "past histories" what a dumb word combination... might as well have said "future times to come".

Ok so pop art film theory, as with the previous reading we had to do a presentation on i am finding it less than interesting despite the word pop being in there about a million times. Dont really know what to make of this and a very unstructured approach to tomorrows presentation is not helping. Tomorrows presentation will be taking the form of an informal chat amongst our group raising the various points for and against Lawrence Alloway's theory on film criticism. Not entirely sure how this reading is helping me understand research methods for my own theory work but its a necessary evil i guess.


Alec Finlay

Alec Finlay, Loop, vinyl on wall, 2006

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Get your tools oot.

New stone letter carving chisels. let the chips fly.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

the first chips..

Booked myself onto a decorative letter carving course this weekend to experiment carving another material, in this case stone. Was a really interesting course though my finished carving left a lot to be desired. Anyway all in all a useful day and now I have plans to carry some of it over into my practice. Maybe some carved found stone? paving slabs, plaster slabs? we shall see. 

Detail of part of my carving, rough I know.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Jonathan Owen

So last co2 project space was by invited artist and ECA alumni Jonathan Owen. The work was really interesting and well installed. some interesting discussion surrounding public sculptures and their anonymity nowadays etc. Was really interested by his carved antique nut cracker (maybe due to doing abit of carving myself at the moment)  which he had then carved again. Really interesting stuff bellow are someimagesof his work from the doggerfisher website

Michaelmas Terms, 2002
cut out gas mask, Jonathan Owen

Untitled, 2010
Found carved figure with additional carving, wood. 
Jonathan Owen 

Monday, 10 October 2011

(new) Website

New website finally up and running. Bit rough around the edges in my opinion but hey its a website. More images to be added shortly...


Saturday, 8 October 2011

first gouges of the new door.

Carved the first line of text yesterday on another found door after much calculating and re-calculating of spaces etc. rough images below. New idea for this piece to be installed as part of a micro gallery and exhibition but more on that later. 
Any comments/ Questions fire away.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

camp or not too camp?

What is camp?

Art Nouveau is camp. 

Is the Delorean? 

How about Vettriano?

pub connections

talking to some good friends that i havent seen in a while and was asked "why dont you just carve a log if your so concerned about people giving you doors to carve". reminded me of one of my all time favourite street art collective's FAILE

Have always loved their use of imagery, text and layering. Just cant get enough of it. 

Monday, 3 October 2011

first group crit

whole day of touring round everybody in our tutorial groups spaces and discussing work, tiring but interesting. Stumbled through my work.

must work on for next time:-

Overcome crippling quietness about discussing others work.

Talk about my work as if i know what it is about, where its going and what im interested in.