So long time no blog..
been busy casting up plaster discs, finally refined the process and the amounts to get the right depth of plaster (about 3mm thick) really happy with the objects as they. Started printing on them this week just some loose stuff really but felt good to be in the print workshop again doing what I do. The following images are works in progress, 2 colour screen prints on jesmonite discs, sorry for the rough pictures but taken using my phone so not great quality which kinda fits with the printed images as they have through the process become quite degraded and "rough" looking which is quite pleasing to me. Anyway fairly happy with this start though a lot more to be done to them and they probably wont look anything like this when finished! Printed the first layer of black ink and liked the image too much i had to cover it up before i went any further, the colour of plaster really does make a great background to a one colour print. Have got my production line going full pelt casting, now able to do about 10 casts a day though need to try and ramp it up even further.
Anyway comments please.