Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Long time no blog..

So long time no blog.. 

been busy casting up plaster discs, finally refined the process and the amounts to get the right depth of plaster (about 3mm thick) really happy with the objects as they. Started printing on them this week just some loose stuff really but felt good to be in the print workshop again doing what I do. The following images are works in progress, 2 colour screen prints on jesmonite discs, sorry for the rough pictures but taken using my phone so not great quality which kinda fits with the printed images as they have through the process become quite degraded and "rough" looking which is quite pleasing to me. Anyway fairly happy with this start though a lot more to be done to them and they probably wont look anything like this when finished! Printed the first layer of black ink and liked the image too much i had to cover it up before i went any further, the colour of plaster really does make a great background to a one colour print. Have got my production line going full pelt casting, now able to do about 10 casts a day though need to try and ramp it up even further.

Anyway comments please. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

a fist full of rubber...

So been busy finding ways of mass producing these 7" single's and tried various methods, originally wooden shuttering though this was abit too hit or miss with regards to getting the casts out of the shuttering in one piece so moved onto vac- forming which produced a decent enough mould though the edges tended to flair outwards which was frustrating. Anyway finally settled on a rubber mould which i cast up yesterday and test drove today which worked spectacularly! though the mould seems to be at a bit of an angle therefore creating slightly thicker plaster towards one side which while not life threatening is a little annoying considering the cost and effort involved in producing the mould. Anyway this can be resolved by sanding the back down slightly so all is not lost! this has meant the production of these discs is now considerably faster than i started at and means they will all be exactly the same, even down to the texture of the wood i originally used to cast the first discs on! really happy about this as its an integral feature of the pieces. Looking forward to printing these up. next to get to work on the sleeves......

Oh and blogger keeps messing up so havent been able to log on in a while for reasons unknown.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Pinhole fun

Soooo decided to build a pinhole camera yesterday, really pleased with the results. First print i did was over exposed as i hadnt adequately covered my container to make it light fast so below are the two other images i took and quite happy with. Big thanks to William Mokrynski for all the help taking time out to give me a and with construction details and also processing the photo paper. All this has made me want a dark room....... 

Have an idea to use some of these future images for screen printing but will see what comes out in the wash with regards to future shots.

Hard copy's in negative form.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

100% delighted

7" single sleeves

while doing five prints a week stuff started thinking about the vinyl sleeves i found and the collage's using them and thought about printing up my own to hold printed disks. Probably a consequence of me being all over the place at the moment practice- wise after talking about the degree show the other day with everyone. Maybe need to stop thinking up side projects and start making something more concerted in prep for the show. Though I have to say making these sleeves is quite addictive!