Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Degree show

So Degree show openings are done and dusted and currently enduring invigilation duties. To say its been an emotional roller coaster so far is a vast understatement. The First of the opening nights for staff and alumni was really quite quiet but did kind of prepare us for the other two. The business view was definitely not all it was hyped up to be unless everybody bypassed our section of the show. Talked to a couple of people but no real interest shown by anyone in either the work or the ideas behind it which left me feeling quite flat for most of the night and next day and in all honesty actually made me question whether or not i should just give up art altogether and get a real job. The friends and family view was perhaps the best of the three openings, was relaxed and confident and for the most part happy. being surrounded by everyone's friends and family was great, meeting new people and actually talking about the work, really picked me back up again.

Anyway specially for Phill the Drill here are some install shots of the show.