Tuesday 22 February 2011

crit response

ok so should have written this up last week but was quite busy helping take down the RCA/ ECA show in the sculpture court.

The crit of Sander and myselfs show went really well, alot of good feedback and questions raised. The idea behind my work is of appropriation and assimilation, re-using old image and text to maybe shed light on the here and now. Juxtaposing images and text out of context to create a confusing and intriguing narrative for the viewer.

The display of posters takes the format directly referenced from blocks of posters i cycle past on the way to the college, that of a block of posters about eye height two high. This also answers another question that was raised, "why not the whole wall"- i have never seen fly posted walls where the posters are over the entire wall there is not the time to cover an entire wall in posters and this is what i tried to convey in the piece, the idea of quickly posted material positioned at the right height to be viewed. The rest of the crit seemed to focus on printing mehtods and techniques and not really the content of the work or the issues raised. All the work in the show was screen printed with the intention of giving the aesthetic of quickly produced posters, printed the same day as pasted.

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