Wednesday 16 February 2011

Start Point

Ok so finally got around to working out how to go about blogging and have decided that after having my first ever project space exhibition this is a good point to start from.

So my first project space since starting my MFA at Edinburgh College of Art took place on friday 11th February 2011. This was an oppertunity to exhibit a selection of current work/ ideas within a space in the college. This display of work was done along though not collaboratively with Sander Schoonbeek a fellow student on my course. Sander primarly comes from a sculptural practice but has also worked with printmaking.

Having been rushed into doing this project space so early in the start of the second semester, and being that we were the first of our year to do a project space the game was on to produce a piece of work that adequately conveyed where we are with our work/ practice and also set a decent bar for people to aim for/ past in future project spaces.

I think at this point it is maybe best to just upload some of the images of the show and then type up a little response to criticism/ questions that came up during the show.

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