Friday 13 April 2012

Degree show committees

So haven't been blogging as much recently mainly been busy banging out plaster discs at a rate of about ten a day then printing them up which takes longer and costs infinitely more!

Anyway do thought I'd do a wee update on the committee stuff that I'm doing for the degree show. So part of the publication team which has meant endless time in meetings with Tom Nolan who is laying out our publication for us and organising the printing etc. This has been a great process being involved from the start means more is invested than simply supplying a very standard blurb to the college for them to then print up a generic catalogue also being a printmaker it is an opportunity to develope a relationship and understanding with the publishing and commercial print market which will help with the production of my zine for the degree show! Anyway so have also found myself helping out with the practical side of other committees most recently the PR and advertising committee by printing up tote bags to raise funds for the show.

Mid process shot of bag printing

Anyway much and more to tell but not enough time just now safe to say we are all busy as hell with various committees and meetings as well as our own individual works.

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