Friday 20 April 2012

Meetings, meetings and more meetings...

So another Friday another meeting, organising a show isnt as easy as you would think lots of discussion needed to iron things out. Sitting around the table today discussing what people are considering putting into the show it was hard to believe everything will fit (litterally) into the space available, but then maybe this is something to wait and consider during the actual hang.

In other news my final shipment of magnets arrived this week, really pleased with them great solution to wall mounting my pieces, so spent most of today while not in meetings down in the wood workshop cutting and shaping thirty odd mdf discs of varying diameters to fit behind my plaster discs. Feels good to be moving into the final stages of preparing work. Also myself and Sander Schoonbeek have been discussing the possibility of collaborating on a small print which I think we are both up for, we have been discussing this ever since our project space together in october 2011. This will likely be a conglomoration of imagery from our own practices Sanders interest in old and ruined cars playing with my own interest in the inbetween nature of vacant industrial spaces as well as sections of text which is also prevalent in my own work.

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